
Approved suppliers

UBU has a list of suppliers which we have approved for any department/sport/activity to use. These companies which we will pay by card, BACS or have a credit account set up with. If you can, you should use one of the approved suppliers and submit a payment request form, so UBU can pay directly from the account to the company.

Download approved suppliers list here


Suppliers not on the approved list

If you need to order something that isn't available from any of the approved suppliers, you can request to go off the list. Finance would offer payment in either of the two ways, and you would need to discuss with the supplier which method they would prefer.

Payment method 1

UBU would pay 50% of the costs upfront, the supplier would deliver the goods for UBU to check. If there are no problems, UBU will pay the remaining 50% upon delivery. The supplier can set up one invoice that we pay in two stages, or set up two invoices of 50%.

Payment method 2

Upon recieving a quote, UBU can provide a purchase order, or PO number, addressed to the supplier. This is commitment to pay within 30 days of receiving the invoice and the goods. The supplier delivers the goods, sends an invoice and then UBU will make full payment.