
Revitalise aqnd Reopen Debating Society

by Deleted User 21 April 2017, 16:37

Category: Students' Union Petition

Voting closed


The Public Speaking and Debating Society has placed an application into SF Council to resurrect the society. We believe that in recent months and given the ghastly state of affairs of our country, we think it is absolutely paramount for our graduates and students to learn the power of an eloquently delivered speech, argument, presentation and conduct in networking sessions, dinners etc. Hence, the debating society would like to bring back fortnightly debates and introduce a Regional Debating Competition between Yorkshire Univerities. As a union which produces many NUS Officers, we would like to encourage more students to develop the skills required to find their key into management positions and traineeships. Sign this petition to have the opportunity to bring back a stronger, more competent and challenging Student Voice/ Braduate to British Society. 


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    Deleted User   wrote, 08-05-2017 - 09:34

    Re-opening the society will definitely be beneficial to students in all disciplines.

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